Hey bougie crew! This week we're kicking it Tiki style with our take on the Mai Tai. Of course, we added our own twist in honor of this week's Bougie Bible topic, vaginal rejuvenation.
The tale of the Mai Tai started in 1944, according to Trader Vic. Victor Jules Bergeron, better known as Trader Vic, was the owner of a tiki restaurant of the same name. Together with Donn Beach, from Donn the Beachcomber, they were the first one to start the tiki culture. The tiki culture is a blend of the Polynesian and the Caribbean. It was a place where people could escape reality and be transported to the tropics while enjoying tropical flavored cocktails. The cocktails were a careful combination of tropical flavors like lime juice, curaçao liqueur, and Caribbean rum.
1 ounce dark rum
1 ounce amaretto liqueur
3 ounces orange juice 3 ounces pineapple juice 1 dash grenadine syrup
Add all of the ingredients to a shake of ice, blend until frothy.
ThermiVA and Votiva - Vaginal Rejuvenation
Please note: we are not doctors and we aren't giving medical advice. We're sharing our experiences.
This week's guest is our dear friend and neighbor, RayRay, (aka Stingray). All three of us have had vaginal rejuvenation treatments with great results from the following two machines.
If you're like us and you ask your gynecologist for help with stress incontinence or want to improve your intimacy, she may not tell you about ThermiVA or the newest machine, Votiva. We did our own legwork and we're glad we did.
Both machines utilize radio frequency to strengthen your pelvic floor, build collagen, tighten your vagina/labia and eliminate or mitigate stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when you engage in physical activity, sneeze, cough or laugh and find yourself "leaking". Ain't it grand!?
Both procedures are painless. While we each experienced immediate improvement after one treatment, multiple treatments, once a month, are necessary for the best results. Expect to pay approximately $2,000 for three.
The ThermiVA machine is older, the wand is smaller and you have to wear an adhesive grounding pad during the procedure.
Votiva, is ThermiVA's sexier, younger sister. She has a bigger wand (of course she does) and she doesn't requite the grounding pad. She does however, beep. Constantly.
It's important to find a qualified doctor to perform the procedure as the wands are warm and could potentially blister or burn. We recommend you read reviews and do thorough research. New Beauty is a great resource to read reviews of doctors in your area.